Do Belly Corsets Help With Fat Burning?

Belly corsets have been around for ages, dating back to times when having a cinched waist was all the rage. Nowadays, they’re popping back into fashion, championed not just for that classic hourglass look but also as a supposed fat-burning miracle. While they sure make the rounds on social media, do they really do the … Read more

Does Extra Weight Affect Your Exercise?

Body weight and fitness often share a complicated relationship. Carrying extra pounds doesn’t automatically mean you’re unfit, but it can place extra stress on your body when exercising. You see, the more weight, the harder your heart and muscles have to work, especially during high-intensity workouts. There’s this notion floating around that being heavier always … Read more

Basic Stretching Exercises

If you often feel muscle stiffness, especially if you have an office job where you sit all day, then this post is for you. Muscle stiffness is when you have a feeling of tightness or pain in your muscles. Next, I will be giving you basic stretching exercises you can easily do from home. So … Read more

Bodyweight Workout You Can Do At Home

First, what is bodyweight exercise? In simple words, it is exercising without equipment, using only your own bodyweight as a tool. It is great for the joints as they don’t get extra stress from holding weights, and of course easier for anyone to do since you don’ t need to use any equipment you might … Read more

Office Stretch

If you are spending most of your time sitting behind a desk due to your job, then this article is for you. How often do you feel your neck and shoulders sored, and you have the need to just get up and do some stretching? Well don’t worry, I got you covered. Even if you … Read more

Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do At Home

When looking at a resistance band you might think: ‘that is a cute tool but how much work can you do with that?’. Well, next, you will be surprised to find out that you can have a full body workout with this little tool, leaving your muscles toned and ‘satisfied’. Bands are also an excellent … Read more

What Exercises To Do During Pregnancy

For sure the first thing a pregnant woman is worried about is for her baby to be healthy. The second thing she is worried about, and I believe the majority of you agree with me, is how her body will change, and how much weight will she gain. I have seen women who never exercised … Read more